The Train Creeper

The Bergen light rail train, aka Bybanen
         Short aside: on the train the other day, I saw a pretty girl, perhaps 20, get on.  That’s not the interesting part.  Next, the overweight (rare in this part of the world) Middle Eastern mouth-breathing teenage boy sitting next to me stood up, as I assumed, to wait by the door in preparation to exit at the next stop.  After the stop, he was still standing by the door.  People don’t stand when seats are available.  I finally realized that he had gotten up to stand right next to the aforementioned girl, only about a foot away, to stare at her chest when she was looking away from him. 
            I was appalled.  And offended.  I don’t think quickly on my feet when it comes to things like this.  I considered walking up to him and demanding, “What do you think you’re doing?!?”  But, a stranger to both Norway and city train travel, I did nothing.  Of course, after the girl got off at the second to last stop, I figured out what I should have done.  I should have gotten up, walked over, stood directly between the two, given the kid a glare, turned to the girl, and rolled my eyes with a “Can you believe this guy?” shrug.
            This doesn’t happen on the California freeways.  But the next time it happens on a European train, I’ll be ready.