One of my first posts from this journey spoke of my crush on Bergen. Later, I mentioned that I like Oslo even more. So. How has my affection waxed or waned?
My crush is gone. But only because it has been replaced by a deeper, more substantial feeling. I really love Norway. Norway and I are a perfect fit, even though I don’t (yet) fit in. Nevertheless, I feel like I belong here. I have developed a deep-rooted attachment. I mourn that I have less than 1 day remaining in my visit. Leaving is going to hurt.
It’s not just the place. It’s the people, too. The culture. The attitude. Time will not allow me to elaborate right now, and I probably need to think about it for longer, after I have stepped away from the place, before I will truly be able to articulate why Norway seems so comely to me. But I do have one little bit of hard evidence: not even the weather bothers me. For those who know me, you know that is huge. Even in California, I often lament that it’s not warmer or sunnier. But here, even on the chilly, rainy days, I feel so deeply satisfied to be here. Consider me stirred, not shaken (apologies to Mr. Bond). Norway stirred my soul, and each of the troubles here failed to shake my enthusiasm.
(Long pause)
Of course, I’m still not going to ask Alissa to pack up our belongings, but I will be designing my (our) return, for I pine.